My Work
I'm currently Head of the Algorithmic Accountability Lab at Amnesty Tech. Previously, I was Researcher/Adviser at Amnesty Tech where I conducted research and advocacy on targeted surveillance and other forms of digital repression that are used against activists and journalists around the world. Prior to that, I was a Researcher and Campaigner at Amnesty International India where I worked on responding to numerous urgent human rights violations in the country, including on hate crimes, attacks against human rights defenders, and excessive pretrial detention.
In addition, I've independently contributed to research projects across various NGOs. I began my career at a youth-led organization in Delhi, The YP Foundation, where I worked as a Peer Educator and Associate Coordinator on sexual and reproductive health and rights. I hold a Masters in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at Sciences Po.
I am always interested in speaking with fellow co-creators working at the intersection of technology, justice, and rights. Please get in touch if you'd like to chat! :)
Opinion pieces and blogs
Global/India: Apple notifications highlight the unabated threat of unlawful targeted surveillance, Amnesty International, October 2023
'Eine Stadt ist Geboren' (A City is Born), Analyse & Kritik, December 2021, with (and translated by) Mihir Sharma
'Use of facial recognition technology by police is dangerous', The Indian Express, November 2021, with Anushka Jain and Matt Mahmoudi
'In dozens of countries, governments rely on Internet shutdowns to hide repression', The Washington Post, December 2020, with Anita R. Gohdes and Sophie Dyer
'How to communicate and document violations during an internet shutdown', The Citizen Evidence Lab at Amnesty International, November 2020
'COVID-19, surveillance, and the threat to your rights', Amnesty International, November 2020
'A Dangerous Alliance: Governments Collaborate with Surveillance Companies to Shrink the Space for Human Rights Work', Amnesty International, August 2019
'Congress Manifesto is a Step Forward on Human Rights – But a Long Way Remains', The Wire, April 2019
'India's Legal System Should Recognize Lynching as a Hate Crime', The Wire, September 2018
'Manipur fake encounters: One victim’s case could open the gates of justice for others, say activists', The, August 2018, with Arijit Sen
'With politics of demonisation on the rise, India must keep a data record of hate crimes', The, March 2018
Research Projects
Research that I authored, co-authored, or otherwise contributed to
'The Predator Files: Caught in the Net, The Global Threat from “EU-Regulated” Spyware', Amnesty international, October 2023
'Threats to media posed by Unlawful Targeted Surveillance: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression', Amnesty International, January 2022
'Operating in the shadows: Investor risk from the private surveillance industry', Amnesty International, December 2021
'Hyderabad on the brink of becoming a total surveillance city', Amnesty International, Article 19, Internet Freedom Foundation, November 2021
'Briefing on recommendations to the European Union to end unlawful targeted surveillance', Amnesty International, October 2021
Provided research support and led advocacy for The Pegasus Project at Amnesty International
“These walls have ears”: The chilling effect of surveillance in South Sudan, Amnesty International, February 2021
'Click and Bait: Vietnamese Human Rights Defenders Targeted with Spyware Attacks', Amnesty International, February 2021
'A Web of Impunity; The killings Iran's internet shutdown hid', Amnesty International, November 2020
'Moroccan Journalist Targeted With Network Injection Attacks Using NSO Group’s Tools', Amnesty International, June 2020
'India: Human Rights Defenders Targeted by a Coordinated Spyware Operation', Amnesty International, June 2020
'Morocco: Human Rights Defenders Targeted with NSO Group’s Spyware', Amnesty International, December 2019
Ending the targeted digital surveillance of those who defend our rights: A summary of the impact of the digital surveillance industry on human rights defenders, Amnesty International, December 2019
Co-created Amnesty International India's Hate Crime Tracker, 'Halt the Hate' with the Srishti School of Design and Technology, 2019
Researched repression of activists in Manipur in 2019. See: Manipur Fake Encounter: Victims and Witnesses Face Delays, Reprisals in Quest for Justice
'Justice Under Trial, A Study of Pretrial Detention in India', Amnesty International India, December 2017
'A scrutiny of Internal Governance in the National Parties in India', with Ms. Lakshmi Bhargavi Shri Ram for the Association of Democratic Reforms, in the International Journal for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, 2017
'The Universal Periodic Review: A Skewed Agenda?', Center for Economic and Social Rights, June 2016
Conducted a workshop at the Amnesty International's 2023 Digital Investigations Summit on 'Researching Surveillance and Spyware'.
Delivered a Guest Lecture at Aachen University on Resisting Surveillance: Spyware and the Threat to Human Rights, June 2023
Co-panelist, 'Spyware Moratorium; Accountability to Unlawful Surveillance', Organised by Amnesty International and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Co-panelist for The Tor PrivChat's event, 'Chapter #5 - Protection against Pegasus', 2021
A brief appearance in Amnesty International's course on Open Source Investigations for Human Rights hosted by Advocacy Assembly, 2021
Co-Panelist at the event 'The human rights costs of internet shutdowns' organised by Hertie School and Amnesty International, 2020
Moderator for a panel on Illegal Border Pushbacks in the EU at the Borders Of Fear event organised by the Disruption Network Lab, 2020
Faculty in 2020 at the European Summer School of Internet Governance